A Network Of Specialists Ensures Greatest Value
The roots of KVRES are firmly planted in commercial real estate services, Kian’s extensive network of specialists in land, office, industrial, flex-space, retail, and warehouse transactions ensures that clients receive the greatest value. Purchasing, leasing and selling commercial properties require specialized services and analysis in terms of location, current and future financial projections, and timing. Negotiating a commercial property deal is a highly complex art that requires ample experience to guarantee the success of the transaction and avoid loss of time and capital and ensuring highest current and future appreciation and return.
Clear objectives and extensive planning with such professionals as architects and engineers are mandatory. KVRES can examine the resources available and obtain additional resources as needed. Land investment requires long-term planning as well as financial projection, areas in which KVRES excels.
We keep track of our all business deals & we analyze the detailed sucess as well as impact of the each buy sell deals on the end clients from a normal perspective.
Purchasing versus leasing your office space requires consultation with your accountant before getting involved with a Realtor. KVRES can assist in site location, setting the right price, executing in a time-sensitive manner, and negotiating terms, including any needed improvements.
We keep track of our all business deals & we analyze the detailed sucess as well as impact of the each buy sell deals on the end clients from a normal perspective.
Location and traffic count are crucial to the livelihood of a retail business. KVRES and its network of specialists can provide an in-depth analysis to select the right location and negotiate the right price.
In today’s competitive commercial leases either office, retail, warehouse or flex spaces can be challenging. Some of the factors that should be examined and analyzed are:
- Researching the market trends and influences
- Location specifics and characteristics
- Working with a best lease document
- Analyzing the local demographics
- Negotiating the right terms and pricing
We keep track of our all business deals & we analyze the detailed sucess as well as impact of the each buy sell deals on the end clients from a normal perspective.